David Cassel (destiny@wco.com)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 03:03:21 -0800 (PST)
H e r o ~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~ A military court hearing revolved around details AOL apparently divulged illegally about one of their subscribers. AOL's spokeswoman claimed that "There is nothing in the transcript to suggest we gave out private information." ( http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,17974,00.html ) But in fact, there's no ambiguity. "I called AOL and talked to a gentleman named Owen at Tech Services," the transcript states. "I said that I am the third party in receipt of a fax and wanted to confirm the profile sheet, who it belonged to." "They said, it came from Hawaii and that it was 'Timothy R. McVeigh' in the billing." AOL told the press they were confident that their policy of requiring a court order before revealing a subscriber's name were followed -- but the transcript indicates otherwise. LIEUTENANT COMMANDER COLE: Did he indicate that he was not able to do so unless provided a court order or legal process serving AOL with a subpoena? LEGALMAN JOSEPH KAISER: No, sir. LIEUTENANT COMMANDER COLE: Did you have a subpoena or court order? LEGALMAN JOSEPH KAISER: No. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/9241/KAIS.HTML The witness later states that when they asked the support staffer for the subscriber's name, "He said not a problem." "Federal law prohibits the release of any personal information about subscribers without valid legal authority," AOL's spokeswoman told PC World. ( http://www.pcworld.com/news/daily/data/0198/980112181426.html ) Privacy advocates are furious. "Every AOL subscriber needs to be concerned about this incident," David Sobel, the Legal Counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, told C|Net. "AOL appears to have violated its much-touted privacy policy and destroyed a subscriber's life." ( http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,17974,00.html ) Though this Timothy McVeigh isn't accused of bombing a federal building in Oklahoma -- he is accused of being a homosexual serving in the Navy. One story noted that "In the past, he has dated women and been engaged to be married." ( http://www.planetout.com/pno/newsplanet/article.html?1998/01/08/1 ) "I have not in the past nor currently made any statements of homosexuality or sexual orientation," he told one interviewer. "What the Navy is going by is the word 'gay' in an AOL profile." ( http://www.planetout.com/gloradio/rafiles/hanginout/ho010898.ram ) His profile was discovered when sending e-mail to a civilian coordinating the toy drive for the children of his shipmates in September. In the RealAudio interview last Thursday, the sailor, who has served in the Navy for 17 years, told what happened when the profile was linked to his real-life name. "My submarine pulled in...and I was summoned to the squadron III legal office... When I got there...the staff legal officer sat me down, and she said this isn't very pleasant, but I need to read you your rights..." "If you think your screen name is secure on AOL, you might wanna think twice," the show's interviewer commented. ( http://www.planetout.com/gloradio/rafiles/hanginout/ho010898.ram ) Ironically, the show was created by PlanetOut -- an AOL content partner. "We're really concerned about this at PlanetOut," Community Manager Ira Wing told AOL Watch, adding "but given AOL's track record with privacy issues in the past, I'm certain they'll be vindicated." Wing sees at least one clear culprit, if not more. "The U.S. Navy is in direct violation of the oft-forgotten 'Don't Pursue' clause by even asking AOL to reveal this sort of information," he observed, "and although unlikely, if AOL did reveal this information they are also in violation of privacy laws as well as their own stated privacy policy." But AOL's spokeswoman told PC World Monday they had no plans to investigate the privacy breach. ( http://www.pcworld.com/news/daily/data/0198/980112181426.html ) "I would like to know what AOL intends to do about this situation other than deny that it didn't happen..." the Electronic Privacy Information Center's David Sobel complained. Apparently stung by the negative publicity, AOL reversed their position within 24 hours. Feeding the press the meaningless assurance that they felt "confident" their policies were followed, AOL nonetheless scrambled to remind customer service staffers not to divulge customer names, launched an investigation, and conceded that "the Navy may have circumvented the established channels...to get information about our members." ( http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,18077,00.html ) AOL's later statements were modified to include a disclaimer that they were still investigating the incident. (E.g., Ann Brackbill, AOL Networks senior vice president for communications, told Reuters Tuesday that "We feel very confident, while we're still looking into it, that our policies were followed in this case.") http://www.cnn.com/US/9801/13/navy.gay.reut/index.html But accountability from the staffer is problematic. "At least one source says that he left AOL's employ some time ago," AOL's PlanetOut reports, "and has yet to be found by them or anyone else." ( http://www.planetout.com/pno/newsplanet/article.html?1998/01/13/2 ) It's not surprising. "The starting pay rate for AOL's reps barely breaks $7 an hour," Jacksonville freelance writer Amir Abdur-Rashid reported in September. "Not many hang around more than a year." To cut costs, AOL converted all full-time employees in their Florida call center to part-time status last June, one former employee told AOL Watch. ( http://www.aolsucks.org/list/0060.html ) This allowed AOL to pay fewer benefits -- but, as Abdur-Rashid notes, "dissatisfaction over pay results in a dramatic turnover rate." Unfortunately, this makes quality control difficult. "We were always playing around with their system," one former sub-contractor confided. The staffers liked to access personal information for celebrities, including Dallas Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman. "They had his address and phone number..." And one favorite trick involved re-activating cancelled accounts. ("They'd reactivate a customer's account to do bad stuff with," another staffer confirmed.) The practice was widespread. "I had an 18-year-old as a manager...he showed me how to do it!" And some staff-members were even younger. "They had one guy that was 16. There were a couple of them that were 17, 18..." Age wasn't the only factor impeding the quality of customer support. The firm's screening procedures were laughable, according to one Texas applicant. ( http://www.connect.net/eablon/aol.html ) "Although I was never asked any of these questions, my psychic interviewer gave me a 3 for each one on the confidential interview form." The firm's rationale soon became clear. "Although they now had 150 people handling customer service for AOL, their contract called for 400 within the next few weeks..." Very little has changed since then. Wednesday an AOL technical support staffer concedes that "when I got the job, I knew very little about computers, but they were willing to train me -- and at $8 per hour, it's considerably easier than delivering pizza." Policies like these create a legion of staffers with access to 10 million credit card numbers and home addresses -- and a very real chance that they'll be divulged inappropriately. "I suspect that a lot of this goes on quietly without people ever knowing that their information is being disclosed," EPIC's lawyer told PC World ( http://www.pcworld.com/news/daily/data/0198/980112181426.html ) "Here we finally have a case that appears very documentable...for AOL to just brush it off and say 'That's against our policy so it didn't happen', is not very convincing." Indeed. Another subscriber told PC World that their name was also revealed by AOL. His conclusion: "AOL says that only the user profiles you create is public information, but it's just not true." ( http://www.pcworld.com/news/daily/data/0198/980112181426.html ) Other leaks are inadvertent. One AOL Watch subscriber who'd attempted to cancel his account reported that "The guy there could not find my account -- but gave me the names, addresses, and screen names of everyone with a name similar to mine (four others) -- and then argued with me that those people must be me since I was not in the computer." But serious leaks appear commonplace, too. One technology columnist told AOL Watch they were able to verify the name behind a screen name by pretending to be the subscriber and saying they needed to re-activate their account -- and one AOL Watch reader was able to retrieve the social security number, screen names, and home address for a reporter on a New York newspaper within 24 hours. Some AOL staffers blame the leaks on AOL's bean-counter mentality. "I'm not surprised that Owen failed to verify the required information before linking Mr. McVeigh's name with the screen name," one AOL Watch reader commented Wednesday. "When I worked at AOL, the workload was increasing, and management was becoming more and more vicious about lowering the time we were allowed to spend on the phone with a member.... The rush and the stress got to the point that it was easy to forget one thing or another thing and to cut corners to speed the person off the phone." Nothing's changed since 1995. "The emphasis was more on passing calls through than it was dealing with customers," a former staffer complained. Since December, McVeigh had been contacting AOL members who included the word "gay" in their profiles asking for their support. ( http://www.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/010998navy.html ) "His grassroots campaign has netted at least 1,900 letters of support, he said, from 37 states and as far away as South Africa, Scotland and Japan," the New York Times reported Friday. Later that same day, AOL cancelled McVeigh's account, designating his attempts to gather support "a chain letter." ( http://www.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/011198navy.html ) Ironically, just two days earlier, Steve Case vowed in his monthly update to strengthen "the spirit of community on AOL". This situation resolved itself quickly. "Prodigy moved into the gap January 12," PlanetOut reports, "offering him an Internet account free for life, which he accepted." http://www.planetout.com/pno/newsplanet/article.html?1998/01/13/2 Antagonizing McVeigh may not be wise. "Do you have recourse...against AOL for destroying your life?" PlanetOut's interviewer asked him. "I plan to investigate that," he answered. http://www.planetout.com/gloradio/rafiles/hanginout/ho010898.ram "Don't Ask, Don't AOL," one San Francisco newspaper quipped. But McVeigh may also experience fewer problems on Prodigy. One week into 1998, AOL experienced their first nationwide outage, C|Net reported ( http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,17908,00.html ) -- and seven days later, problems returned. ("The system is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in 15 minutes," AOL warned subscribers yesterday. "That's the message we get here when AOL goes out for half a day at a time," one U.K. user complained.) In a letter to Steve Case, a U.S. subscriber complained that "Once again, you have made AOL 'temporarily' unavailable on a business day!" ("Don't miss out!" AOL's exit screen announced. "Last week to enter for a chance to win a BMW. Keyword: Celebrity Contest" -- but when subscribers tried to reach the feature, a pop-up window warned "We're sorry, you do not have access to this area.") Other members of the military service have also been affected by AOL's problems. "We haven't been able to get on the web from AOL for about a week now," one Marine sergeant complained in October. Even reloading the software didn't solve the problem. "If I was just an average user, this could be easily dismissed," he told AOL Watch, "but I am a microcomputer repairman for the United States Marine Corps, so I am pretty good at isolating software and/or hardware conflicts." And there were more problems when web access returned. "Lately, we've been getting a lot of busy signals..." Ironically, in 1995 AOL divulged private information about the military, according to the San Jose Mercury News (7/11/95). The captain of the mission that rescued downed pilot Scott O'Grady from Bosnia had sent an e-mail message from Italy to his Air Force buddies. (It contained information one Pentagon official described as "more detailed and more in-depth than what intelligence sources were providing under classified covers.") The message found its way to the host of one of AOL's military boards, who was told not to post it (though it had been posted on some private bulletin boards). But when another user posted the message, AOL refused to delete it. Still, Timothy McVeigh found a way past AOL's policies and glitches. He used the free web-site service at GeoCities to create a page publicizing his case. (A subscriber who created their web page on AOL wasn't so lucky. "I just tried to access my site one day and found that it had been wiped. They could have asked me to remove some objectionable material before pulling the plug, but no..." http://www.surfnetcorp.com/fan/kira1.htm) McVeigh's efforts at publicizing his case have already drawn some high-profile support. "The military services, like other governmental entities, must comply with the Electronic Communications Privacy Act's requirements..." reads a letter sent by the counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center. "Any other result would make a mockery of federal privacy law and subject the American people to intrusive and unlawful governmental surveillance." ( http://www.epic.org/privacy/internet/dalton_ltr_1_14_98.html ) Outrage trickled down to the grass roots. "This story reeks of a witch hunt," one subscriber commented on a law school discussion list. "I'm amazed that NCIS investigators have absolutely nothing better to do with their time." "I'm also cancelling my AOL account," they added. So are other subscribers -- and at least one of AOL's Community Leaders. Humorously, AOL's Terms of Service states that protecting your privacy "is very important to AOL, Inc." One subscriber told AOL Watch, "I guess we can all look forward to another round of Case-O-Grams telling us how secure our private information on AOL is." McVeigh urges readers to mail President Clinton (president@whitehouse.gov) as well as members of Congress, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Submarine Force. "I have been trained to be a leader, fair and by the book," a window on his site announces, "and if the Navy wants to throw the book and fairness out, I will still go by the book, and in human fairness, lead the fight against them for the benefit of all." "Senior chief petty officer McVeigh's distinctive accomplishments, unrelenting perseverance, and steadfast devotion of duty reflect great credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service," reads one commendation McVeigh received from the Navy -- less than a year ago. ( http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/9241/NCM.HTML ) Yet McVeigh's discharge becomes effective today. As the song "Hero" plays in the background, his site tells readers "The best way for you to help is to make yourself heard!" ( http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/9241/CANDO.HTML ) "Too many people go through life not saying or standing up for what they really feel." THE LAST LAUGH Earlier this week, clicking the logo on AOL's welcome screen revealed a disturbing parable about the company's privacy policies. The icon displayed a Dilbert cartoon from "Greet Street" in which a computer tells the cartoon character "The software has found your credit card number and is placing orders for new products it thinks you need...please wait." David Cassel More Information http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/9241/ http://biz.yahoo.com/finance/980114/military_g_2.html http://www.aolwatch.org http://www.planetout.com/pno/newsplanet/article.html?1998/01/13/2 ~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~ Please forward with subscription information and headers. To subscribe to this list, type your correct e-mail address in the form at the bottom of the page at www.aolsucks.org -- or send e-mail to MAJORDOMO@CLOUD9.NET containing the phrase SUBSCRIBE AOL-LIST in the the message body. To unsubscribe from the list, send a message to MAJORDOMO@CLOUD9.NET containing the phrase UNSUBSCRIBE AOL-LIST. ~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~